The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
I had a lovely catch-up with an old friend and fellow coach yesterday. We shared our life stories and what we’ve been up to up until now.
Inevitably, we talked about our work as coaches.
One thing that stood out for me is how there is a belief, in some communities and companies, that a coach is some tree-hugging, hippy person (I have in no way or form anything against people focusing on these parts of the human experience) focusing on intangibles that are way off the business’s primary focus.
Coaching a business, a team, or a person in a working environment has (or, at the very minimum, should have) measurable outcomes which will improve some key operating strategy for the company (what, in detail, depends on the engagement). Anything else is just a ” feel-good experience” for the team (there is value in that too).
What kind of coach do you need?
P.S.: If you are currently coaching teams and would like to be coached to become better at what you do, you can always reach out to me, and we’ll figure something out.