Embrace Mistakes

Written by Enrique Comba Riepenhausen on 24/09/2024
Photo used in this post by Santa Barbara on Unsplash

The size of your mistakes needs to grow along with the company. If it doesn’t, you’re not going to be inventing at a scale that can actually move the needle.

~ Jeff Bezos

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned over the years is the power of experiments. I am not referring to coding experiments, although they count too, but to the experiments business owners and companies do to move the needle.

When we start a company we make assumptions based on our understanding of the market and how our proposal will fit in that market. In order to see if we are right, we run experiments. Sometimes these are simple landing pages aimed to sufficiently pike the interest of prospect customers to leave us their email, and other times they are a tiny version of a product we have in mind.

Our experiments are bets we make to find our place in the space we want to occupy. They are full of unknowns and risks, but without them, we would not know if we have a chance at all.

Over time though, some companies get more and more reluctant to experiment, and they become stagnant. I’ve seen it way too often. In one company I coached a while ago, they had not released a single new feature for the past 4 years. And, as you can guess, the development team was quite unmotivated.

When companies are afraid to make mistakes they become brittle and subject to stagnation. What is more, in companies that have succumbed to this fear they have squandered learning and adapting. Company cultures that experiment often, which aren’t afraid of making mistakes are usually better poised to adapt and learn.

Is your company afraid to make mistakes? Have you stopped learning? I’ll be happy to help you and your team regain your past confidence and tackle your most pressing challenges and embrace failure again.

Book your free consultation today and let’s  tackle your challenges head on !

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